Dear Honourable Kathleen Wynne,
On December 9, 2013 you apologized to people who lived and survived government run
provincial institutions. You said “one of a government's foremost responsibilities is to care for
its people, to make sure they are protected and safe. And therein lies a basic trust between the
state and the people. It is on that foundation of trust that everything else is built: our sense of
self, our sense of community, our sense of purpose. And when that trust is broken with any
one of us, we all lose something - we are all diminished.”
On July 25, 2017 survivors and their supporters with Remember Every Name received a letter
from the Ontario government stating it is proceeding with plans to do a superficial facelift to the
Huronia Regional Cemetery in the fall.
It says MCSS “has been working with Remember Every Name for some time now on how to
beautify the Huronia Regional Centre cemetery to ensure that it is maintained in a thoughtful
and respectful manner that will preserve the site’s important historical legacy and the memory
of those interred there.” They thanked REN for providing the valuable recommendations on
which the Site Plan is based.
We want to make it clear to you, there was no “consultation” or partnership or respect from the
Ministry of Community and Social Services. The survivors of HRC wanted a voice in these
plans but we were not asked to be involved when the government contracted a consultant to
draw up the concept or design of the HRC Cemetery. We have asked for full disclosure and
transparency from MCSS of documents that have not been made public and for which our
requests have been repeatedly denied.
The letter we received is an insult to survivors and we are asking for your help to put a halt to
the government proceeding with their plans to beautify the Huronia Regional Centre until our
goal of discovering and communicating the truth of how people were carelessly interred there
and if graves were disturbed when a septic system was installed through the cemetery in
1952. We owe that to to the survivors as part of truth and healing, to the ones laid to rest
there, to their families who seek them out and to society as a whole. The survivors of HRC
want a voice in these plans. They also want full disclosure from the Ministry of Community and
Social Services of documents that have not been made public.
Survivors are starting to think your apology is becoming hollow words because of the re
actions from the government which has made us all feel disrespected and diminished. We
remain hopeful you will do the right thing by helping us.
Respectfully yours.