DiStory is a project comprised of institutional survivors, self-advocates, and researchers who, through inclusive collaboration and storytelling, explore disability justice and the ways that our rights have been compromised, and our lives impacted, both in the past and present by the systems that were intended to support us. We work from an intergenerational perspective. This matters because while institutions in Ontario have closed, the discrimination, marginalization and devaluation of our communities broadly continues.
We are developing curriculum materials for post-secondary students. Our work highlights themes that can be uncomfortable to talk about. We embrace this discomfort as a way to advocate for change and bring us towards justice and an ethic of care for those labeled/with intellectual disabilities.
Exclusion to Belonging is the home of three projects created through collaboration between institutional survivors and siblings, allies, and supporters.
Listen to My Story:
Powerful stories and insights from survivors and siblings with reflective activities to teach supporters and the general public.
Birds Make Me Think About Freedom:
A multi-media meditation on interdependence, inclusion, transformation, and imagination.
Healing and Belonging:
Creative ways to listen to and support survivors who have complex needs to have increased choice and opportunities.
Each of the projects offers insight and resources gained from different perspectives and through different ways of knowing, understanding, and learning. They were developed by L’Arche Toronto with the support of many individuals and community partners.
In this frank and moving memoir, Victoria describes growing up in a world that excluded and dehumanized her sister.
One of the publications which helped lead change for institutions across the Province.
Opening Ontario’s “Saddest Chapter:” A Social History of Huronia Regional Centre
We wish to acknowledge that this website was created thanks to a grant from the Investing in Justice fund. This fund existed because there was money left over from the Huronia Regional Centre class action settlement.
InvestIng in Justice projects enable survivors to tell the world what really happened in Ontario's government-run institutions and what it takes to instead have a good life at home and in their own communities. This fund also enabled the creation of the survivors cemetery monument at the HRC cemetery, and supported "Lost but not Forgotten" Mothers Day memorial gatherings there. Please see our Resource page for information about some of the other projects that benefited from this funding.
All Rights Reserved Remember Every Name Group