The Freedom Tour (2008) is a powerful documentary that has been raising awareness about institutions both nationally and internationally.
The film documents the incredible journey of 16 self-advocates and friends who travelled across the Prairie Provinces to raise awareness about life in an institution. The documentary portrays compelling stories told by survivors of institutions who had moved into communities across the Prairies. Produced in partnership with the National Film Board, The Freedom Tour is unique in that People First members were involved in all aspects of the film-making process - from development to the big screen.
Video by: People First of Canada
People First of Canada is the national voice for people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability. We are about rights – human rights, citizenship rights, accommodations rights and language rights. The right to freedom, choice and equality for all.
We wish to acknowledge that this website was created thanks to a grant from the Investing in Justice fund. This fund existed because there was money left over from the Huronia Regional Centre class action settlement.
InvestIng in Justice projects enable survivors to tell the world what really happened in Ontario's government-run institutions and what it takes to instead have a good life at home and in their own communities. This fund also enabled the creation of the survivors cemetery monument at the HRC cemetery, and supported "Lost but not Forgotten" Mothers Day memorial gatherings there. Please see our Resource page for information about some of the other projects that benefited from this funding.
All Rights Reserved Remember Every Name Group